Complete Mommy Makeover Through Tummy Tuck, Liposuction & Breast Lift

Mommy Makeover

Without question, being a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences a woman can enjoy. Motherhood is a divine emotion – a feeling that cannot be compared with anything else. However, for some women, the physical effects of childbearing may prove to be unattractive and sometimes permanent. Breasts that once appeared round and full and gave a curvy look to the body may become saggy and deflated. Some women may get stretch marks on their belly, or be unable to lose the last of their baby weight.

If you’ve decided that you don’t want to keep these unsightly badges of motherhood, you should consider undergoing a Mommy Makeover. This cosmetic surgery procedure is designed to help mothers regain their pre-baby bodies, and create a more youthful, contoured, and attractive look.

Today, more and more women in Singapore are turning to female plastic surgeons over male surgeons to spruce up their post-baby bodies with a Mommy Makeover. One of the key reasons for preferring a female surgeon is it is easier for a female to explain surgery goals to a female plastic surgeon than a male surgeon. Most women find it more comfortable discussing the part of the body that she wants the surgery with a female surgeon.

Dr. Ong Wei Chen, a fully accredited plastic surgeon Singapore with over 20 years of surgical experience is one of the leading female plastic surgeons in Singapore that female patients feel comfortable consulting with. She has performed hundreds of Mommy Makeovers and achieved the desired results every single time.

What’s Included in a Mommy Makeover?


Body contouring surgery


A Mommy Makeover is a customized cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that’s designed and performed according to a patient’s specific needs. From using liposuction to remove excess fat and creating a more contoured look, to performing a breast lift surgery to help the patient attain their desired fuller and firmer breasts, the makeover involves a number of procedures to restore the physical changes caused by pregnancy.

Mommy Makeovers usually concentrate on three areas of the body – tummy, breasts, and hips. The procedure involves the following three different types of plastic surgeries: breast lift, liposuction, and tummy tuck procedure.


Tummy Tuck


Tummy Tuck Surgery


Pregnancy may cause stretching of the abdominal muscles, resulting in a protruding abdomen that looks disproportionate to the rest of the body.



Liposuction fat removal surgery

Liposuction removes the excess fat present underneath the skin through suctioning. It improves the contour of hips, thighs, and belly, making the body look curvier and more attractive.


Breast Lift Enhancement

Mommy makeover - breast lift surgery

Breast enhancement through breast lift surgery addresses saggy, uneven breasts. Breast lift helps in creating a more youthful shape with firmer, rounder breasts. This is usually done when a mother is done having children and breastfeeding.

Things You Should Know Before Going For A Mommy Makeover


A mommy makeover is an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their shape after giving birth but there are things that you should take into consideration before going under the knife to ensure that the process is as safe and enjoyable as possible.

Timing Is Everything

Whilst it may be tempting to rush out of the delivery room and into the operating theatre, it is important to schedule your mommy makeover for after your body has healed from pregnancy and birth.

Having a baby can is extremely stressful for your body and if you attempt to undergo surgery too soon afterward, it could pose a potential danger. Any plastic surgeon in Singapore will tell you that the ideal time to wait is at least six months.

Wait Until You Don’t Want Any More Children

For many women, one baby isn’t the end of their mothering career and so when considering a mommy makeover, it is wise to not be thinking about having more children. Going for a tummy tuck surgery and then becoming pregnant again may mean that all of your and the surgeon’s efforts are undone.

It might be frustrating to have to wait but it will mean that you do not need to go for further surgery.

Choose The Right Plastic Surgery Procedures For You


Plastic Surgery Options


With so many surgical options for improving your body, it can become overwhelming when deciding on which procedures to have. The most important thing to think about is what area is your main concern, focus on this first. Perhaps you feel as though a breast lift or a breast augmentation would be beneficial after months of breastfeeding or maybe a spot of liposuction would help shift that stubborn baby weight.

There is little point in undergoing a surgical procedure just for the sake of it so be sure to carefully select the options that will work best for you.


Before your Mommy Makeover


You will start with a professional consultation with a plastic surgeon. You will most likely book your consultation appointment by giving the plastic surgery clinic a call or through the website contact form. You can be assured that the consult will be a pleasant one, and you will love the experience. A good plastic surgeon will go through a thorough exam and review your photos and explain all the options to you. At the end of the consult, you will know exactly which procedure works for you.


Types of Anesthesia


Your plastic surgeon will discuss the type of anesthesia used for this procedure during your consultation and will depend on factors, such as your medical status and your comfort level. Local anesthesia may be used, which will numb the area but leave you awake during the procedure. General anesthesia may also be considered, which would allow you to sleep comfortably throughout the surgery.

What To Expect


When having a full mommy makeover, the most important thing to remember is that it takes time. You will have an initial consultation with your surgeon who will talk through your options and tailor a personal treatment plan. This is a great opportunity to talk about the types of procedures you might like.

Once your surgeries are completed, you will need to take adequate rest so it is vital that you have plenty of support with your practical day-to-day tasks – even lifting up your children could be potentially dangerous, especially with an operation like a tummy tuck.

It is also worth bearing in mind that for the first few weeks after surgery, you will experience swelling – this is not a true representation of the final results. Once the swelling and inflammation have subsided, you will begin to see your new body emerging.

Mommy Makeover FAQs


There may be a lot of questions surrounding the mommy makeover, let’s take a look at some of the most commonly asked ones.

  • Can I combine more than one procedure? Yes, it is quite normal for a surgeon to complete more than one procedure at once as a way of minimizing the number of times you need to be operated on and minimize recovery times.
  • What makes a good candidate for a mommy makeover? Any ladies who have experienced significant changes in their abdomen and breasts after having children and breastfeeding are good candidates for this type of makeover. It is important to remember that you should have lost most of your baby weight before undergoing surgery.
  • How long is the recovery time? Depending on the procedure recovery times will vary. As a general rule, it is thought that 4-6 weeks of rest and recovery is sufficient for most procedures.
  • How much scarring can I expect? Any type of surgery will leave a scar but the mommy makeover is designed to hide the scars as much as possible by making incisions where clothing can cover them. For the most part, surgical scarring tends to heal well.
  • Does my lifestyle affect the results? Once your surgery is complete, it is advisable to maintain a balanced diet and take part in regular exercise as a way of ensuring your new body is not altered through weight loss/gain.
  • What is the cost of a Mommy Makeover? It’s no secret that a mommy makeover doesn’t come cheap, in fact, it is thought that a full mommy makeover, including all possible procedures, can cost up to $20,000. For this reason, it is important to ensure that you have the correct funding. To help make the mommy makeover affordable and accessible for everyone, most plastic surgery clinics offer financing options that can be discussed during your consultation with a surgeon. And note that mommy makeover is considered to be elective surgery, so most insurance providers will not cover the costs.

Are you ready for your Mommy Makeover?


Every woman deserves to feel confident and looks beautiful. No matter the changes pregnancy and motherhood have caused to your body, consult with an accredited female plastic surgeon to help you regain that slim, curvy, pre-pregnancy look.

For many women, a mommy makeover is a perfect opportunity to revert any changes to their body after pregnancy and breastfeeding and the results are impressive. With so many surgical options including breast implants, body contouring, tummy tucks, and liposuction, it is easy to get that pre-baby body back.




Becoming a mother is one of life’s greatest pleasures, however, the toll it can take on your body is immense. What was once an unmarked canvas, can quickly change into a body that you no longer recognize or identify with. For some women, this is something that they can easily cope with but for others, a mommy makeover might be what it takes to regain that lost confidence. It is important to approach your mommy makeover with care and pay attention to the finer details making sure that your personal treatment plan will yield the best results.